The Original Rally

Nine countries in four days!

The route has taken us months of planning; we wanted to cover as many countries as possible in a realistic timescale. Other rallies make you munch up miles spending too much time on toll roads and therefore missing the true adventure to be had. You want sun, you got it, you want mountains and mountain passes, you got it, great destinations to chill with a well-earned ice cold beer, you got it.

Registration ...Thursday 14th August 2025: Saint-Omer, France

The night before is a great chance to meet the other teams taking part, plan routes, swap numbers and arrange your convoy. There will be some warm-up, light hearted games to get you all talking, a chance to get used to European food and of course the beer!

Day 1...Friday 15th August 2025: France, Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany (295 Miles)

Bright eyed and bushy tailed we will meet up at our first RV, at this point you will be given your challenge pack and it’s off on the open road. Without divulging too much information, it will then be up to you to plan your route for today to ensure you can complete all of the set challenges. Needless to say your eyes and ears will be wide open to the scenery and atmosphere as you drive your banger from France, into Belgium, then Luxemburg into Germany. At the end of the day all teams will meet at our destination and we will see just who is leading the challenges!

Day 2 ... Saturday 16th August 2025: Germany and Austria (329 Miles)

With day one behind you with you all have settled into the Two Ball way, all teams will meet at the RV point, pick up you daily challenge pack, then we will head down through Germany and the Black Forest. You will quickly realise the change in landscape as we pass through this part of Germany, our description does not do it justice. Once into Austria (your fifth country of the rally) we head through the resorts to our second destination where we will meet again at night to score your challenges and update the results.

Day 3... Sunday 17th August 2025: Austria, Switzerland and Italy (249 Miles)

Judgement day! This will probably be the highlight of the adventure, dropping through mile upon mile of mountain passes including the famous Stelvio Pass. At 2,757m above sea level, it is the highest paved road in the Eastern Alps and the second highest in all of Europe. The Top Gear team once labelled Stelvio Pass as the "Greatest driving road in the World", and with 48 hairpin bends it doesn't disappoint! This will test your driving skills and vehicle to the limit, just remember to let the engine do the work and not your img-thumbnail pedal. There will be unlimited chances to get the ‘money’ shot of your team and banger with some truly awesome backdrop scenery. Then to bring the day’s adventure to a close and just when you think it could not get any better we cruise by Lake Como.

Day 4 ...Monday 18th August 2025: Italy, Monaco and France (236 Miles)

After a day of putting you through your paces on the passes, today’s drive is a little more chilled. Get the sunglasses on, windows down and just enjoy the prestigious scenery which is the south coast of Italy and the legendary Monaco. We have deliberately reduced the mileage for today to give you a chance to sample the delights of Monaco. Check out the wealth and giggle to yourself as you drive the F1 circuit in your own car or a banger! We then take in the Cote d'azur and make our way into Nice for our final night of Two Ball partying. We will party the night away in a swanky location and reveal the winners and runners up of the Two Ball Rally.